Monday, August 04, 2008

Class Supplies shopping list for 2008-2009 Montessori Freshman Physics Class

2008-2009 Freshman Physics with Mr. Barkan Required Materials:

2 "Quad-Ruled" composition books - this will be your Physics notebook journal & lab book all in one. You will probbaly only need two for the year.
Please leave the first three full pages blank.
Staples on Jericho Turnpike in Bellerose has put aside extra copies for our class, so if you don't see these, ask!

Scientific or Graphing Calculator - bring the calculator you need for Ms. Sadera's Algebra class (preferably a TI-83 or better).

Pen AND pencil, every day

Double-sided tape for attaching handouts to science journal (stapling handouts into notebooks is not recommended)

Small Metric ruler (6", acrylic), and you can print an additional ruler from here

Protractor, and you can print an additional protractor from here


Keep at home for projects:

  • A set of color pencils, pens or markers
  • Glue Sticks
Additional Notes on Notebooks:
  • Looseleaf, spiral bound or other notebooks are not acceptable.
  • Notebooks will be checked on a regular basis - keeping a current notebook in the required format is a percentage of their grade.
  • Students will have a place to store notebooks in the classrooom, and are required to have them in class every day.
  • All handouts should be attached into the notebooks via double-sided tape.

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